Memphis data has been used here and any variation will be minor. The prevailing climate is temperate, with pronounced seasonal variations in both temperature and precipitation. Snowfall is variable from year to year. Most winters have little or none, while other winters can have a seasonal snowfall of up to 17 inches.

Average Temperature(30 years)
Average Precipitation(30 years) Average Humidity(21 years)-7:00am Average Humidity(21 years)-1:00pm
January 42.0 6.07 81 % 66 %
February 44.6 4.69 81 62
March 51.6 5.07 78 57
April 61.9 4.63 80 53
May 70.8 4.23 82 55
June 79.8 3.68 83 55
July 81.8 3.54 85 56
August 81.0 2.97 87 54
September 74.4 2.82 85 53
October 63.6 2.72 85 53
November 50.6 4.38 81 54
December 43.5 4.93 81 62
Average 62.1 Total 49.73 Average 82 % Average 56 %

Average annual snowfall – 4.8″

Frost free period – March 20 to November 12, two-hundred, thirty-six days.

Percentage of possible sunshine – 63%. Possible sunshine for the mid-season months averaged about 45% for January, 61% for April, 69% for July and 70% for October.

Seasonal heating degrees days – 3,116

Prevailing winds – From South-Southwest

Elevation - 508 ft above sea level